Friday, July 4, 2014

The MTHFR mutation - methylation deficiency

What? A genetic mutation could affect my personal health and well being? Not only that but I received a double dose, meaning the mutation at my MTHFR gene is homozygous, I received one copy from my mother and one from my father. This inherited error means that I have "methylation deficiency". After hours of research and googling, I have learned that thwarts many of my metabolic processes and explains many of my odd body things - I get weird if the dentist gives me laughing gas. I have moments of seeming depressed or maniac, but I'm not really. I'm often tired such that I eagerly nap for a couple hours a day even though I sleep soundly at night. I have a plethora of odd allergies to foods, inhalants, chemicals, dogs and cats and more. It explains why there are at least 3 alcoholics out of 7 members in my family of origin. and why my mother had extreme anemia, yet the B12 she took (cyanocobalamine) didn't give her more energy. But had she been given methylcobalamin, she may have been healthy and energetic.

The mutation explains why my son who also has 2 mutated genes (homozygous)- one from his dad and one from me  - was born with learning disabilities and ADHD. 

Now my challenge is to do what it akes to methylate myself.