Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cesium and mood swings

I had never heard of cesium until I visited my friend Tyteeka. Well, perhaps I'd heard of it in a college chemistry class and vaguely knew that this unique element, number 55 on the periodic chart, was used in the atomic clocks stored at the Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado.

At the time I was talking with Tye about a supplement company I'd gotten involved with. Odd how things turn out. I didn't "click" with the supplement business opportunity, but it lead me to learning about cesium drops and to a major shift in my personal health and wellbeing.

Before I could mention the the word supplements, she excitedly announced that I was the first person she was testing and had placed copper rods in my hands that were  attached to her new biofeedback vibration machine. As she clicked through possible vitamin and mineral deficiencies, the machine was silent until it suddently buzzed and beeped with high excitation as it scanned for cesium. We both looked at each other and said,"What in the world is cesium?" She pulled down a massive tome from the shelf, which informed us that cesium was used medicinally as an anti-convulsant.

At that time in the mid 1990's I was taking an uncomfortable anticonvulsant medication to smooth out mood swings. I hated depacote. My hands shook, my hair was falling out, and curling. My joie de vive was joie de gone and my life force energy had flat-lined. I became so frustrated with the medication and my supposed need for the medication that I had written an affirmation, "My brain chemistry puzzle is solved and resolved." It became a personal mantra which I chanted often while praying for a healthy way to get off depakote and a less annoying wellbutrin.

I watched in wonder as Tye and the machine personalized homeopathic drops for me that contained cesium and another ingredient, NADH. NADH is a highly bioavailable form of niacin - B3, that is essential for healthy brain neurotransmitter functioning. Actually the drops didn't contain those substances, instead the drops contained the vibration of those substances. The machine said to take 10 drops 3 times a day. I would have taken almost anything to stop the shaking that made it impossible to successfully deliver a forkful of food to my mouth because my hand shook so much. I figured I hadn't much to lose. It would be a miracle if the drops worked, if they didn't, something else would show up.

Within in a couple weeks I was able to stop taking the depakote and my mood swings didn't return. Magic. A miracle. I had crossed over from the land of traditional medicine into the universe of holistic healing. My mind, body and spirit vaulted into a place of infinite healing potential.  Healing was possible, not just the mitigation of symptoms. I didn't think less of traditional medicine and doctors, instead I knew there were lots more choices than I had ever imagined. Within weeks, my hair grew back straight and shiny. I was managing a fork with ease. I was easier to live with, and it was way easier to inhabit my skin. I once again, made sense to myself and was bouncy and cheerful.

I took the drops for years, visiting Tyteeka as a patient at her naturopathic clinic every couple months. Each time, the vibration machine could produce drops that healed colds, adrenal fatigue, bacterial infections, and other minor maladies. In all that time, I never had side effects. And every new set of drops delivered healing vibes. Good vibrations.