Monday, September 29, 2014

Losing the Anxiety

I've had a rough up-and-down ride for a couple months on methyl folate. I was so cranky, irritable, and off-center. I couldn't find my core, my place of stillness. I felt manic. And I couldn't figure out how to make it better. I kept reducing the amount of methyl folate I was taking. and the amount of methyl B12. But I was still uncomfortable. My attention span was marginal.

I tried using niacin, thinking that the methyl folate was creating SAMe. It didn't work.

And then, one day as we were driving along, my husband said, "What if it isn't the methyl folate that's making you uncomfortable? What if it's something else?" He'd asked the magic question.

For years, I'd been taking 2 tablets of 5 mg NADH every morning and it really stabilized my moods. After starting on the MTHF, one of my alternative health practitioners suggested that I cut back to just one. Could this be the cause of my discomfort?

The next day I upped the amount to 2 tablets and the anxiety stopped. Stillness returned. I could focus. Odd noises no longer upset me. My husband became a loving person again. I could get things done. The mania stopped.

I don't know why NADH works for me. But it sure does.